Being a Tactical Athlete is hard work, let RPR® keep you at your best.

  • Build Pain Free Movement

    You put your body through it all, chronic aches and pain are a part of your everyday life. What if we told you, we can help free you of chronic pain? RPR® helps restore alignment within the body.

  • Feel Relaxed and Calm

    Stress is a part of your job, and we can teach your body and mind to cope better. Our Wake Up Drills™ can be done before, after, or even during a shift, mission, or a call. RPR® is a tool unlike any other. It allows you to regulate your nervous system, training your body and mind to perform under stress.

  • Focused Decision-Making

    You make split-second decisions every single day. By incorporating RPR® into your daily life, you will be more focused to make these life-changing decisions and be the best you for your team, your family, and your nation.

Enroll now and change your life.

The Tactical Athlete course will give you the tools to take your body and your life to the next level. Using a self-applied system of breath and bodywork to optimize your performance. RPR® focuses on regulating your nervous system to instantly change how you feel, react, and handle stress.

Not Ready?

Change can be hard. We're here when you're ready.